Buy Physical CDs and Thumb Drives

Black Friday Special! Complete 18 album catalog with booklets on USB or Download: $50.

New Physical CD 'Live at the Pender Harbour Jazz Festival' $20 ppd (digital streaming and downloads at all DSPs)

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USB Mini Collections with booklets $20 ppd

1. Radio Gold (19 hit tracks plus video from Algarve Euro Jazz Fest)

2. Radio Gold (19 hit tracks plus Billboard hit videos)

3. 46 Tracks from Gabriel's Horns, First Name Basis, Cool Down, Told Ya So, Way After 8

4. Gabe's New Orleans Concert Videos

5. 55 Tracks plus Videos (incl BET Jazz Alley Special): From Hawaii With Love, MidCentury Modern Vol. 3, Tongue & Groove, The Vocalists (feat Michael Bublé)

6. 52 Tracks: Radio Gold, From Hawaii With Love, The Vocalists (feat Michael Bublé)

7. 43 Tracks: Count Your Lucky Stars, The Vocalists, Radio Gold, Videos from Algarve Jazz Fest

8. 45 Tracks: Gabriel's Holiday Notes, The Vocalists, From Hawaii With Love


Order Individual Physical CDs or USB Thumb Drives, each $20 postage included.

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